A dirt-simple WordPress plugin that lets you provide workflow docs to your authors and editors from within the WP admin interface.
Instructions: Unpack this folder to your plugins directory and activate it. Click on the Dashboard and you’ll see a new tab called “NGNO Docs.” Within that, you’ll find documentation I wrote for my authors for one particular site. In order for this to be useful, you’ll need to replace the HTML it contains with your own by editing the file docs.html
You’ll want to remove the image files I’ve included and, if desired, add your own. Note: I found it tricky to get image paths working – you’ll need to embed images like this:
img src="../wp-content/plugins/wp-workflow-docs/more-result.gif"
You can change the plugin name and tab name by editing the plugin file itself – it’s a tiny plugin and it will be pretty obvious where to do this in the file. Then de-activate and re-activate it to see the new tab name.
Contributions / improvements welcome!