A WordPress plugin aimed primarily at events sites, where you want to be able to timestamp posts in the future but have them appear immediately (by default, WordPress will not display a future timestamped post until its go-live date rolls around). This plugin sets the post_status field to “publish” rather than “future” when publishing a post, even if its timestamp is in the future. Written by Ryan Boren and modified by Andrew Nacin – I’m just hosting it.
Instructions: Install via Add Plugins, or place future-post.php in your plugins directory and activate. Write a post with a future timestamp and hit publish. Notice that it goes live on your site immediately.
Note: This seemingly simple plugin was graciously written by the magical Ryan Boren when I was facing a deadline. He doesn’t have time to maintain/host it, so I agreed to. The plugin was later updated by Andrew Nacin to work with WP 3.5+
Contributions / improvements welcome!
Thanks for the report PFLAG – I’ll look into it.
Any news about plugin ? working on wp 3.5
Indeed, it does appear to be broken in 3.5. I’ll look into a fix, hopefully soon. Stay tuned.
The plugin has been updated to work with WP 3.5!
Many thanks Andrew Nacin.
Thanks! You did that very fast!
Thanks for the speedy update to fix latest WP version break
Thanks for this. Anyone know how to get it working again for custom post types?
Hi, this is a great plugin and it would be fantastic if it could work for custom post types. Anyone has any advice?
I was hoping to use this plug in to schedule my posts in the future, have it show up immediately (which is does) but not have the post show up in my archive until the publish date. Any advice on how I can do that? I don’t want it in my archive list until the date, but want the post page to show up. Thanks
Bit of an unusual error.
I have a site in development with ‘The Future is Now!’ plugin running.
When you edit a post that has already been published, and choose to replace the featured image, it will remove / forget it once you have clicked ‘Update’ in the Publish panel.
It allows you to choose the Featured Image, but once you click that Update button it’s gone.
I have determined it is the plugin doing this, as when I disable this plugin the normal functionality restores.
Any clues?
thanks, Sam.
Sam, I just did some testing, and cannot reproduce this problem. Nor can I imagine how any code in this tiny plugin would relate to anything in Featured Images in any way, shape or form. Absolutely unrelated, sorry.
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It did work with custom post types until a certain point in time. I was using it successfully.
I discovered today, that it’s not working on WP 3.5.1
Anybody any idea?
I no longer work with PHP or WordPress these days (it’s all Python/Django all the time for me now, yay!). If anyone would like to take over this plugin, please let me know.
This plugin is pretty simple to setup for at least one custom post type. Edit it from the Plugin list and find the basic function:
function futurenow_do_not_set_posts_to_future( $data ) {
if ( $data[‘post_status’] == ‘future’ && $data[‘post_type’] == ‘post’ )
$data[‘post_status’] = ‘publish’;
return $data;
Change [‘post_type’]==’post’ to [‘post_type’]== ‘your custom post type’ .
I have a post type called “event,” so I use:
function futurenow_do_not_set_posts_to_future( $data ) {
if ( $data[‘post_status’] == ‘future’ && $data[‘post_type’] == ‘event’ )
$data[‘post_status’] = ‘publish’;
return $data;
Easy peasy!!
we did a modified version of the plugin to work with the lasts version of wordpress 4 + ( free, of course)
send me a message if you are interested in
Thanks – we’ll reach out and update the plugin.