For users of Apple’s QuickTime Streaming Server who need to perform batch-processing of QT movie files. Adds metadata, adds hint tracks, and generates .qtl reference movies, then moves everything to a destination directory. Requires the qtmedia and qtref command-line binaries only present in OS X Server.
Hello, I’m running os x server 10.6 ant qtmedia and qtref are not in use/bin. Do you know where these can be found? Otherwise, how are mp4 files hinted?
Whoa – That’s interesting. I’ll poke around for them at work on Monday and get back to you.
Juan – Wow, you’re right – those have gone missing in recent versions of OS X Server. Let me ask around and figure out what I can. Bummer.
Well, I posted on the official Quicktime Streaming Server mailing list a day ago, and have no response. At this point I think we have to assume the tool is no longer available. No idea why. Very strange.
Hi Steve,
I have used parts of your script for while. Thanks very much!!! 🙂
I do have a question, though. Do you know if there a way to maintain meta when using qtmedia to hint a file? I have M4A / MP4 files I’ve made in iTunes and entered the meta info there. When I hint with the script, it doesn’t seem to transfer the meta.
On a different note, I have noticed Apple slowly getting rid of what was known as QuickTime and it’s RTSP functionality in lieu of moving to the “HTTP Streaming” they’ve designed for the iOS. It’s evident in not having the QuickTime player installed by default on 10.6 (you get something called “QuickTimeX”), the lack of the control panel for adjusting streaming connection settings (again a 10.6 thing). There was even a response to certain posts on the message boards to say that HTTP Streaming is perfectly compatible with mobile devices and desktops via “HTML5″… etc,etc.
Hey Ernie – Wow, this is an old post and I’m out of touch on this stuff. To be honest, I haven’t used this script for years. Last time I checked, the qtmedia binary was no longer present in OS X Server. Strange that the metadata wouldn’t be preserved during hinting though. Maybe you can hack the script to make sure metadata is added last?
And you’re right – I’m sure a lot of these old techniques will be swept up by HTML5.
Hi folks,
did anyone get to the bottom of why qtmedia is missing in 10.6? Is there any way to hint from the commandline at all in 10.6?